How to prevent and stop calcification of your body’s arteries, to prevent heart attacks?

How to prevent and stop calcification of your body’s arteries, to prevent heart attacks?
Vitamin K2: Produced by human gut bacteria, is vital for overall wellbeing of children, teens and adults:
Very good video, to prevent calcification of your body’s arteries, to prevent heart attacks.
You have to feed your gut bacteria correctly, so that they can produce vitamin K2 for you, which stops the calcification of your arteries, which percent heart attacks.
K2 produced by gut bacteria, also helps you build new red blood cell numbers.
Low fat diets are supper bad for the Human body’s mental and physical wellbeing.
Diabetics have high calcification of the arteries: Extreme high scores of Calcification of arteries.Link:,control%20subjects%20(Table%203).
Gut bacteria thrive on fermented foods, and new K2 producing bacteria, presently in the fermented foods, are then added to your gut bacteria.
K2 = Healthy bacteria , with Fermented Foods.
If you know of any diabetic persons, then help them gain this knowledge, they and their family members will thank you, as life is a precious gift.

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