Nature has the Solutions
The Blue Planet's Gift's of Life
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4Nature 4Humanity 2 Thrive & Prosper
Nature has the Solutions.
The Blue Planet’s Gift’s of Life

Nature has the Action Solutions
The Blue Planet’s Gift’s of Life

Siobhan Brogan-Campbell
Douglas Campbell
Some reasons and videos why the Planet’s Oceans, Seas, Freshwater Bodies, Marine Life, Wildlife, and Planet Earth are in big trouble.
The more People, who choose to understand how Nature, the Planet and the Entire Cosmos (Universes/Galaxies) function , the easier it will be to identify the eco problems so that eco action solutions, can be brought into being, to curb prevent many of their Planet’s Climate Challenges and Crisis, so as to prevent the Planets 6th mass Extinction.
Nature's Natural Medicines
Mushroom Extracts/Compounds and Bacteria Enzymes, used by all Global Shaman Healers for Eons, to heal the infections and diseases amongst their tribe’s members :
6 ways mushrooms can save the world/ Paul Stamets :
Man Spends 30 Years Turning Degraded Land into Massive Forest
Medicinal Mushrooms, Restorative Medicine Conference
Mushrooms as Medicine with Paul Syamets
Growing Edible Mushrooms at Home Episode 1
Modern Medicinal Mushrooms
Paul Stamets, Katsi cook and Jeffrey Bronfma – Plant:
Bushman’s Secret – The khoisan and the Secret
nobel Prize 2015 for Ivermectin
Global pharmaceutical companies have being coping Nature’s Medicinal Solutions, for ages.
Once again Nature proves it has the Solutions, that aid the Gifts of Life, that have been perfected over 4.5 billion years of “Evolution”.
Blue green algae BMAA Toxins, neutralized by Bacteria - Australia
In 2009, Austrailia found 10 bacterial strains capable of destroying and neutralising Blue Green Algae Deadly BMAA Toxins.
Once again Nature proving it has ” The Solutions for the Planet’s Gift’s of Life“.
Global Blue green Alage Toxic Bmaa
Toxic Algae: Complex Sources and Solutions:
Understanding Algae :
A million fish dead after blue-green algae bloom:
Toxic Lake: The Untold Story of lake Okeechobee:
NEW COVID Studies: Anti Viral Benefits of Red Marine Algae
Asian countries, Ancient Global Shaman Healers and South African Bushmen (Hout Bay/Kalk Bay/ Mossel Bay), have been using seaweeds, coastal herbs, mountain herbs, bark and plants for eons to heal their community members.
Bacterial and Fungal Sybiotic Co-existence
Symbiotic Relationship in Plants:
Symbiosis in The Sea| Jonathan Bird’s Blue:
Tim Nitrogen cycling on corals: the key to understanding:
What’s Killing The Coral Reefs? :
This Video just happen
This video was our last video, recorded for that day.
My Dad started recording the video, but he pushed slow motion record by mistake.
We were both shocked as how the video came out, with messages, that matched my facial expressions and lip movements, for the messages that came where not exactly what i was saying, during the recording.
slow motion caused message 2 changes: Why ?
Speeded up the slow motion video: so as 2 hear What was actually said: What can we learn from the slow Motion video and why did it happen ?
it is good to wonder 4 it helps people create solutions for problems within natural environments within their communities
Teachings From Spirituality, Cultures and Religious Beliefs
Some reasons why the Planet’s Oceans, Seas, Freshwater Bodies, Marine Life, Wildlife, and Planet Earth are in big trouble.
The more People, who choose to understand how Nature and their Planet function , the easier it will be to identify the eco problems so that eco solutions can be brought into being, to curb their Planet’s Climate Crisis, of Global Warming, Climate Change, so as to prevent the Planets 6th mass Extinction.
Your Hopes & Dreams
you have envisioned
Your Life
We are all
The Planet & Nature
THE entire Cosmos
The Flowing Presence
THE LOving Peace
“Make Bitter Waters Sweet Again”, by “Restoring the Magnetism of Energy (Life) of Water”.
“Increasing the Magnetism will increase the Vibrations of the Movements of Life”
“Increasing the Magnetism = Vibrations, affords the Magnetism of the Soul’s functions, purposes and abilities to be strengthened and enhanced, which affords people to gain the ability to be more connected and in tune with their Soul”, for the Soul’s Gifts and Abilities, allows for the soundness of the body and mind, which will then afford and allow the physical body, to achieve happiness, joy and prosperity, so as to receive the Gifts of Heaven on this Awesome and Beautiful Blue Planet
“The Soul allows for the human body to be of sound body, mind and of cause the Soul, which allows for the Soul to also be Guided, Gifted, Aided and Protected by the “Creator”, some people will say God, Allah, The Creator , The Universe, The Spiritual World, Angels and Ancestors”
But what ever you choose to believe, you and your Soul, already know and feel the Creator
So by you experiencing the “Power of your own 6th Sense”, you also acknowledge that there is something far “Greater” within the “Presence of your 6th Sense”.
It dose not matter if you don’t believe in God, Allah, The Creator, The Spiritual World, Angels and Ancestors, for it’s your right of “Free Will”, to believe or not to believe, it is your Gift of Life, you choose how to live it, but at least choose to “Acknowledge your own 6th Sense and it’s Abilities”, for you will then become more fore filled, joyful, happy and successful in and at your choose “Lifestyle”
Humans and Animals, in general will naturally become more calm when they are around water.
By Knowing and Experiencing the Happiness, Joyfulness, Love, Calmness and Bliss of the Gifts of Life’s Energy and Power, within Waters, the Connection that holds many Gifts :
Explore Your World's Natural Environments
Cool air, quickly cools and calms the the brain, and quietens the mind.
Chaotic thoughts, or a racing mindset, seeking solutions, have been quieten, for the “Mindset”, has been given a new task, too be calm in thought , directed to solely focus upon breathing.
Magnetism = vibrations, within the body, are restored and energy levels soar.
People, being observed in this state of connection to their soul, will have heighten and lightening fast reflexes, that will astound the onlooker, as well as the individual, who has connected to their soul’s magnetic protection shield around their body (Aura Senses).
The Soul’s magnetic shield will respond way before the mind has a chance to be able to think about reacting, and people who are connected and “In tune” to their soul’s sense, will have their mindset’s reflex actions being controlled by their soul’s magnetic shield (Their 6th Sense).
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.