Easily Solving the Present Global Children’s Mental Health Crisis:
South Africa’s Children Mental Health Crisis:
“The ABC’s Methods and Goals”, will solve this easily: How to Easily Excel and Thrive, Academically and Socially :
Two Free Ebooks: Soon to be made available:
No need for medication to solve the Global Children’s Mental Crisis.
Global Media Trends: Punting the Solutions and Actions, for the use of more medication, to treat and solve the Global Children’s Mental Health Crisis.
Global Media Links: What they recommend and advice Global Parents, who want to help their children to deal with any Mental Health Issues such as :
Anxiety, stress, depressions, ADD, ADHD and the Global Children’s Mental Health Crisis.
South African Children’s Mental Health Crisis: 1 in 10 children can’t access mental health treatments:
World Health Organization:
Global Mental Health Crisis Increased during the global government representatives management of the COVID 19 Pandemic:
Global Mental Health Emergency World Health Organisation:
World Health Organisation: Strengthening Our Response
South Africa: UNICEF Report 65% of children do not seek help:
Cape Talk Radio, South Africa: The Mental Health of South Africa’s Children are at a crisis point: Psychiatrists Advice and Recommended the South African Government must Take Actions/Policies
The Daily Maverick :Experts ring the warning bells over a mental health crisis among South African’s children during the COVID 19 Pandemic
World Health Organisation:
Report Highlights Global Shortfall in Investment in Mental Health:
Globally all countries government representatives have increased Interest Rates, claimed as a Tool to keep their country’s “Currency Strong” and to “Curb and Reduce” economically growth and activity in their country, so as to “Bring Down Inflation”.
Global media, punt that global government representatives will ” Increase Interests Rates”, so that foreign investments will place money into banks and the receiver of revenue, so as to “Reap High Returns”, off the country’s citizens, who have taken out home, vehicle or business loans.
The media punt that this is how government represents can keep their country’s ” Currency Strong”.
Global Investors in the Stock Markets, have already states that “High Interest Rates Globally”, will cause a “Global Recession”., due to making it extremely difficult for small to medium businesses to remain profitable or to be able to keep their businesses from going bankrupt.
Globally, small to medium enterprises, are stated and claimed by government representatives, as being the ” Biggest Sector”, for “Job Creation”, within any country.
Globally government representatives and politically parties, are warning citizens that they are going to ” Increase Interest Rates Further”, and fuel prices are going to be increased as well.
Globally, politically parties and government representatives, have used two methods in the “Past”, to stimulate the economy and increase “Job Creation”, within the country.
Methods they have used:
1. Drop and lower ” INTEREST RATES”.
2. Subsidies Fuel, by lowering the levies and taxes on “FUEL”
Both of these methods, lower the “Costs of Living Expenses”, which affords and allows for ordinary citizens to have more ” Money to Spend”, at shops or supporting small to medium enterprises, which results in countrywide economically stimulation, with a phenomenal “Increase in Job Creation”.
The UK, just recently, has increased their “Interests Rates”, claimed to keep their ” Currency Strong” and to bring down inflation.
This is the first time in 16 years that the UK government representatives, have chosen to increase their “Interest Rates”, yet the ” UK Currency”, is reflected on South Africa’s national news channels, as being the highest against “Rand” conversions.
The USA, for 2022 has a unemployment rate of 3.6, thanks to their banking system that only offers very low interest rates for citizens who bank their money.
This results in USA citizens investing their money on global stock markets, or taking their “Hard Earned Money”, to start or invest in “Small to Medium Enterprises (businesses)”.
This results in a ” Super Low Unemployment Rate”, in the USA.
It also results in many “Global Citizens”, trying to get into the USA, due to there being so many possibilities to opportunities, to create a sustainable and comfortable life in the country.
Globally, this is referred to as the ” American Dream”.
The South African government representatives will often be seen and heard, during the media press statements, on national news channels, stating that “Big Businesses in South Africa”, need to take their profits and invest more in the economy, to stimulate job creation or punt for them to invest in “Government infrastructure”.
Conclusions: As to why South Africa has the following Social Economical Problems:
South Africa has recorded statistical date, on the extreme levels of ” Violence Against Women, Children and within Community Neighbourhoods”.
The South Africa government representatives, have reveal statistical data, of extreme Murder, Crime and Rape, within the country.
For when money (employment or sources of incomes) and food, are scarce within the homes of community neighbourhoods, then hunger, starvation, anxiety, stress, depression, embarrassment, worry, concerns and fear, will result in verbal arguments.
This results in violence taking place within the home, which then spills over into the community neighborhoods, as the “Mindset of the Power of Anger”, is used during social interactions with other community members.
Now given on a global scale, the easiest and quickest way, in which people will naturally learn how to cope with or suppress their vulnerable feelings, emotions and thoughts, will be to rely upon the “Mental Power of Anger”.
Children globally, will naturally learn this trait during their “Early Childhood Development”, and it is best seen and witnessed during the “Terrible Twos”, period of children’s lives.
Globally, many parents and guardians, refer to this period of children’s lives, as being the “Terrible Two’s”, where children will throw temper tantrums after tantrums, and become extremely aggressive, angry and demonstrate extreme physical violence against all family members, and in particular their ” Mother”, who is a “Women”.
This natural trait and habit, during early childhood development, is a way in which the human brain, protects the sanity and mental health of children, against overwhelming feelings, emotions and thoughts.
This natural human trait and habit, is often reinforced as a “ Mental Defense Mechanism and Mental Coping Tool”, when children first begin creche and junior school.
This results in global “School Bulling”, that results in many ” Teen School Suicides “.
“The ABC’s Methods and Goals”, has also been designed, so that children during their ” Naughty and Terrible Two’s”, don’t have to rely upon the excessive use of their “Mental Power of Anger”.
It has been designed to help prevent and curb ” Global School Bullying and Teen Suicides”, during the schooling years of children.
This will also result, in “Curbing Global Violence Against Women, Children and within Community Neighborhoods.
South Africa’s statistical data, reveals that 49% to 51% of the country’s entire population of school children, will drop out of school.
“The ABC’s Methods and Goals” How to Easily Excel and Thrive, Academically and Socially:
Will easily curb and prevent South Africa’s presently high and extreme school dropout rates.
Links: South Africa’s School Dropout Rates:
– Many of South Africa’s parents are unemployed, which makes it hard to place nutrientional food on the family’s table, resulting in children being huger and feeling starved, making it hard to focus during school lessons.
– The cost of traveling to school, become impossible when there is no money for a taxi or train.
South Africa’s train service transportation is far cheaper than taxes, but the railway network in many cities is unreliable and many railway networks discontinued their services, due to raliway tracks and electrical infrastructure having been vandalized or stolen.
– Many grade 9, 10,11 and 12 school girls will drop out of school, for it becomes very unsafe to travel to school, in the early mornings, for many will travel in the dark, as their schools are far from their homes.
Out of 50 countries, who assessed their country’s grade 1 to 4 School pupils, ability to read for meaning, South Africa was placed on the bottom of the listed countries.
Out of 50 Countries in the most recent Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, South Africa was placed last on the list
“The ABC’s Methods and Goals”, have been designed to easily to introduce grade 1 school children to understand how to read for meaning, so as to ensure by the end of grade 2, school children will be able to read for mean.
For “The ABC’s Methods and Goals”, have been designed to tap into the natural early childhood development of the human brain’s natural senses, functions, and processing networks, pathways and nerve connections.
“The ABC’s Methods and Goals” have been designed to allow and afford those children, who do not speak English at home, to easily master the skills and abilities, of being able to read for meaning, in English.
“The ABC’s Methods and Goals”, have also been designed to end “Dyslexia”, easily, for children will be able to read for meaning, and be able to excel and thrive, academically and socially.
This results in children and parents, not having to risk the side effects or the over use of high dosages of ADD or ADHD medication.
“The ABC’s Methods and Goals”, have also been designed to allow and afford, children with Down Syndrome, to easily read for meaning
Conclusion of:
Global Interest Rates: Claimed as a tool to keep currencies strong and reduce inflation
Globally High Oil Prices:
Global Interest Rates: Claimed as a tool to keep currencies strong and reduce inflation.
By Global government representatives, pushing up interest rates, it creates a platform for investor’s to place money into many countries banks and Receiver of Revenue Bonds, which results in astronomically amounts of money being being taken from ordinary citizens of their country, which results in less spending by citizens, which means the economy takes a hammering as small and medium enterprises (businesses) shut down or go bankrupt.
This results in a country wide loss of jobs.
This also results in a massive increase of children developing mental health disorders and problems, due to knowing that when they leave school or obtain diplomas or degrees, the chances of finding work, incomes or employment, will hard and scarce.
High interest rates, make it extremely hard for new small and medium enterprises to start, as well as making it extremely hard for entrepreneurs to begin ventures, for due to ordinary citizens not having enough money, they will then be very reluctant to spend the little bit if monies they have, which results in a huge downward spiraling economy.
This also sets up the citizens of the country to develop mental health disorders and problems.
This also results in aiding and helping to make a Global Recession.
Interest rate increases, do not curb or reduce inflation, as inflation is governed by the global oil prices, which will push up the cost of living and conducting businesses.
Globally High Oil Prices:
Global high oil prices push up the cost of living and business expenses.
Global high oil prices are the reason for such high inflation (cost of living and business expences)
What can South African and Global Citizens do, to reduce the presently climbing Interest Rates.
A good starting point would be to have protest marches and hand over memorandums to government representatives.
Youth Day, in South Africa, on the 16 March 2022 saw over 90 organization march on government
Links :
This is the beginning of a revolution – scores of young people march on the Union Building of South Africa:
Over 90 organization took part in the march to the Union Building, to hand over memorandums:
It is Easy to solve South Africa’s Children’s Mental Health Crisis.
It is Easy to afford and allow school children to read for meaning.
It is Easy to afford and Allow Children to Excel and Thrive, Academically and Socially
It is Easy to Curb and Reduce South Africa’s 49% to 51% of School Children Dropping out of School.
What is not easy is getting globally citizens to march, protest and hand over memorandums or take government representatives to court, so as to :
Reduce Global Interest Rates.
2. Announce a Months Notice to those trading on the stock exchange of global oil prices, that a Global Cap on Oil Prices will come into effect in a months time.
That means either investors pull their investments out of oil trading profit trades, or have their finds tide up in the oil trading stocks, which will negatively impact these investors, as they won’t be able to use their funds to trade on other global stocks.
It is easy to afford more global children, teens and adults the possibilities to opportunities to make more of their “Dreams, Hopes and Wishes”, become their “Reality, Truth and Purposes of Being in, of and for their Gifts of Life, when their country’s ground level economy is being stimulated for growth and job creation.