Early Childhood Development: The ABC’s Methods and Goals”: How to Excel and Thrive Academically and Socially: Why these Goals will be Good for Humanity, Nature & Planet Earth : The ABC’s Methods & Goals have been Designed to Achieve the following:

Early Childhood Development:

The ABC’s Methods and Goals”:

How to Excel and Thrive Academically and Socially:

Why these Goals will be Good for Humanity, Nature & Planet Earth :

The ABC’s Methods & Goals have been Designed to Achieve the following:

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Of course their is a Universal Cure for Anxiety, all children during Early Childhood Development have set common chemical brain processes, functions, pathways and connections, which are due to community living, communications and interactions of society living(Naturally Born and Raised to be Social).

Unfortunately so many children, teens and adults believe that anxiety, depression, stress and worry are to be excepted as a natural trait and habit of humans.

These habits and traits, are just emotions that lead to feelings, that cause these traits and habits.

The Universal Cure for Anxiety, for children, teens and adults, is that they have to “Choose to Realise” that they control their Brain’s chemicals and Nerve Signals.

Unfortunately global media would have children, teens and adults, believe their is “No Universal Cure for Anxiety”.

If your vehicle ran out of fuel, you would need to add fuel to the tank for the vehicle to ” Start Again”.

If a Computer ‘s cooling fan broke, the PC board components would over heat and cause the PC to not work properly.

If a vehicle’s radiator started leaking and the engine overhead, then engine would seize.

Globally, schools rely heavily upon the recall memory of school children, which sets children up for anxiety, embarrassment, stress, worry and depression.

Children, Teens and Adults with “Crushed Souls” will automatically switch off mentally to class lessons,  reading lessons or go blank of mind during class tests or exams.

Globally, this leads to 1 in 5, children developing “Dyslexia” that will result in these children, teens and adults being placed on various types and forms in ADD mediations.

This then leads, to low self-esteem and confidence, and they then develop anxiety, depression and feeling worthless.

The Universal Cure for Anxiety, is simply to end “Dyslexia” and afford and allow children, teens and adults to read for meaning, which will then allow them to excel and thrive academically and socially.

This then means, that they can now control the Brains Chemical Production and Nerve Signals.

Like a well functioning computer, that has a good cooling fan, that protects and safeguards the PC board components.

I’m putting a free ebook together “The ABC’s Methods and Goals”, that will end children being diagnosed with ” Dyslexia”, for they will easily be able to “Read for Meaning”, which means no need to go to a GP or Cardiologists, to access if their heart is strong enough to endure the ” Side Effects of ADD medications“.

End Global Dyslexia, of the 1 in 5 children and adults, will be the Universal Cure for Anxiety.

This means there will be far more children, teens and adults being able to make more of their “Dreams, Hopes and Wishes”, become their “Reality Truth and Purposes of Being in, of and for their Gifts of Life”.

It also means that there will be far more people being able to help Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth.



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