Capturing Carbon Dioxide CO2? Claimed to Reduce Climate Change and Global Warming to Prevent Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction
https://Capturing Carbon Dioxide CO2? Claimed to Reduce Climate Change and Global Warming to Prevent Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction
PDF Orbital cycles, not CO 2 , determine Earth’s climate
PDF Orbital cycles, not CO 2 , determine Earth’s climate
Yes you are right, Nature has already Perfected the Solutions and Actions, enos ago, to be able to sustain and maintain the Gifts of Life, upon Planet Earth.
Oceanic and Freshwater Plankton afford and allow for Natures Solutions and Actions to prevent water from becoming “Acidic”.
Plankton in the Planet’s Oceans and Seas, balance out and prevent Acidification, but unfortunately, polluted rivers deposit way to much nutrients and toxic chemicals, that causes a Bloom of Plankton, that causes Dead Zones.
All Flora and Plankton, have evolved to keep the excessive salts in balance, by converting them and neutralising them to levels that create the correct environment for other life forms.
The foundation is Red Algae, and it will be seen growing in a bracket or pool of rainwater or on the rocks and sediment of Oceans and Seas.
It’s purpose is to convert salts to calcium and magnesium, the mineral foundation of all Life Forms.
Unfortunately the United Nations Organisations claim Nature is their TEACHER, yet they don’t see, understand or even listen to their proclaimed TEACHER or even the Science.
The United Nations Organisations are super big on CO2 being the cause of Global Warming and Climate Change.
They ignore all the other toxic elements and heavily metals
They ignore that ever 300 years, the Earth’s orbit moves closer to the Sun, and this causes increased water vapour evaporation to causes more clouds to form in the atmosphere.
Water Vapour causes increased GREEN HOUSE EFFECTS, and CO2 levels don’t mean anything.
For there is nothing that is natural, that can cause more Climate Change and Global Warming than Water Vapour in the Atmosphere.
The history of movement recorded on Planet Earth, reveals every 300 years, that increased Global Warming takes place.
If the really wanted to help, then green the deserts for their is already more than enough extra water vapour in the Atmosphere.
Make dry River Beds flow, so that Red Algae, can create the foundations of life, calcium and magnesium.
It is not just a matter of building machines that just mimic photosynthesis, of converting CO2 to oxygen and carbon.
Why? photosynthesis
For “Plant Life (photosynthesis)” sucks up or absorbs water and minerals, and converts it into chemicals needed by other Life Forms.
Plants and Plankton also produce gas molecules, that aid the weather cycle on a Planet Scale.
To me the United Nations and all the countries belonging to their various organisations are a ” Big disappointments”, for they don’t aid Humanity, Nature or this Planet, and Nature is definitely not their Teacher, for they don’t see, understand or even listen to Nature, or even all the known science.
Yet they tell all of Humanity to develop their CRITICAL and independent thinking, and to develop and increase their data and information deciphering skills and abilities, so as to be able to embrace and take part in their “4th Industrial Revolution’.
Yet they don’t even follow their own advice or recommendations.
Even the word CRITICAL, in their recommendations and advice is a high problem for all of Humanity, Nature and this Planet.
Why? For if you set your mindset with a TASK and Focus of being CRITICAL, and you are critical to others all the time, then eventually no-one will want to talk to you about their ideas or thoughts.
Using the word critical is designed to cause a mindset of division amongst all of Humanity, which then results in no focused solutions or actions being taken.